Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt Romney suspends campaign today

Today Mitt Romney suspended his Campaign for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination. Today the Republican party took 1 step closer to being a liberal party. That is unacceptable to me.

I will not be voting for John McCain. I will not be a sheep and do something like vote for McCain for the "good of the party" I will do something for the good of me and the good of conservatives.

Today I will begin a campaign for Conservatives that do not have a person running for President. We may not win the election, we will affect it.

Much more soon....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site and great idea! My wife and I were discussing the 'what now?' options last night. I will not abandon my conservative principles and values to rally around a liberal like McCain just because he says we need to. I was considering endorsing Hillary, but realized I can never in good faith mark an 'X' near her name in November. My wife and I will write-in Mitt's name in November. Additionally, my wife will be on talk radio today in Boston advertising this blog site, hopefully listeners and other bloggers will stop by and weigh in.